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These tinctures are usually 28.28 each Get Blood Purifier and Cleanse and Detox for 40.40 add Immunity for additonal 15.15 2 oz bottles ~ Proportionally measured and formulated for a wide variety of syndromes~ Organic and wild crafted herbs made into liquid tinctures~ Taken in water or under the tongue.Disclaimer:Consult your doctor before starting any new regimen. This is not to diagnosis, cure or be a substitution for medical treatment. This product is an herbal supplement taken to provide support and may be beneficial well being. This is not a claim to cure, treat or diagnose

Cleansing and Purification Bundle

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  • -Blood Purifier contains Pau D’ Arco, Red Clover, Yellow Dock, Burdock, Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Cascara Sagada & Buckthorn.  


    Use blood purifying herbs to eliminate systemic pathogens, remove toxic residues from the blood (detoxing), stimulate the lymph system and assist your immune system.


    -Cleanse and Detox contains Burdock Root, Buckthorn Root, Chaparral Leaf, Dandelion Root, Red Clover Blossoms, Cascara Sagrada, Nettle Leaf, Milk Thistle Seeds, Ginger Root.


    Use cleanse & detox herbs to help with fatigue, congestion, constipation, lack of sweating, bloating, gas, indigestion, poor circulation and low immunity.


    -Immunity contains ImmunityAstragalus, Pau D’ Arco, Suma, Dandelion, Oatstraw, Kelp.


    Assists to boost your immune system

Coram Deo Holistic Center 

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